
Live: Makutsu no Niwa December 7, 2016 @Ogikubo club Doctor

●Pataphysique Records & club Doctor presents
Théâtre Mercredi Ogikubo Vol.5
Celebration of the Lizard to bury ROCK even further on the eve of Jim Morrison’s birth and the Attack on Pearl Harbor
December 7, 2016 (WED) @Ogikubo club Doctor
open 19:00  start19:30  adv 2000 yen  door 2500yen + drink
The Mickey Guitar Band / Yakouchu / Makutsu no Niwa

Pataphysique Records & club Doctor presents荻窪水曜劇場Vol.5
12.7.2016 (WED) @Ogikubo club Doctor
open 19:00  start19:30  adv 2000 yen  door 2500yen + drink
The Mickey Guitar Band / 夜光虫 / 魔術の庭

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